“Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Influence in Multi-Agent Systems”, ECE departmental seminar, Michigan State University, October 2023.
“Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Influence in Multi-Agent Systems”, Keynote Presentation, International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT’23), July 2023.
“Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Influence in Multi-Agent Systems”, Invited talk, Midwest workshop on Game Theory and Control, Minneapolis, MN, April 2023.
“Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Influence in Multi-Agent Systems”, ECE departmental seminar, Iowa State University, April 2023.
“Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Influence in Multi-Agent Systems”, CCDC seminar, UC Santa Barbara, October 2022.
“Toward AI-enhanced Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Plenary talk, IFAC Necsys July 2022.
Toward Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, KYOS two-day Course on Cyber-Security, University of Cyprus, September 2021.
“Toward AI-enhanced Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems: a Journey from Inception to Present Times”, Keynote Presentation, 2021 CPS-IOT Week, May 2021.
“Toward AI-enhanced Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Distinguished Seminar, The Ohio State University, April 2021.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, September 2019.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Yonsei University, Seoul, S. Korea, September 2019.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance, Robustness and Security”, Seoul National University, Seoul, S. Korea, September 2019.
“Modeling Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, 14th SICC International Tutorial Workshop “Topics in nonlinear dynamics” titled Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Networks and Cyber-Physical Systems, Ischia, Italy, June 2019
“Cyber-Physical Systems Security: from Detection to Control”, Tutorial given at the European Control Conference, Naples, Italy, June 2019
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 2019.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Beijing Institute of technology, Beijing, China, June 2019.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Plenary Talk, Chinese Conference on Decision and Control, Nanchang, China, June 2019.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, June 2019.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance, Robustness and Security”, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, June 2019.
“Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, MORE on Automotive Systems Workshop, Modena, Italy, May 2018.
Modeling, Analysis and Design of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems”, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy, May 2018.
“Internet of Things: Opportunities and Challenges in Smart Infrastructures”, PNC Internet of Everything (IoE), Pittsburgh, PA, February 2018. Invited Talk given to PNC employees.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance, Robustness and Security”, University of Southern California ECE seminar, Los Angeles, CA, February 2018.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance, Robustness and Security”, University of Pennsylvania ESE Colloquium, Philadelphia, PA, November 2017.
“On the Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Invited talk at the workshop on Smart Grid Security, held at SMARTGRIDCOMM, Dresden, Germany, October 2017.
“Modeling Dynamical Phenomena in the Era of Big Data”, Invited talk at the Festschrift, a workshop on Principles of modeling, dedicated to Edward A. Lee on the occasion of his 60th Birthday, Berkeley, CA, October 2017.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems”, invited talk at CyPhySS 2017, 1st Cyber-Physical Systems Symposium, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, July 2017. http://www.rbccps.org/symp-cps2017
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Robustness and Security”, a mini course offered at the University of Firenze, Italy, June 2017.
“A Set-theoretic Approach for Secure and Resilient Control of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Invited talk at the workshop on Science of CPS Security, CPSweek, Vienna, April 2017.
“A Control-Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP”, Invited talk at the workshop on Large-Scale Networks, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, December 2016.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Invited talk at the Special Session on Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), September 2016.
“A Control-Theoretic Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP,” Keynote at the Feedback Computing Workshop at ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), Wurzburg, Germany, July 2016.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Invited talk at the workshop in honor of Shankar Sastry’s 60th birthday, Berkeley, CA, May 2016.
“A set-theoretic approach for secure and resilient control of Cyber-Physical Systems,” CPSweek 2016, workshop on Science of CPS security, Vienna, Austria, April 2016.
“A Graph Theoretic Characterization of Perfect Attackability for the Secure Design of Distributed Control Systems,” INFORMATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, February 2016.
“A Graph Theoretic Characterization of Perfect Attackability for the Secure Design of Distributed Control Systems,” IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 2015.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” 10th International Conference on Semantic Technology for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2015), George Mason University, November 2015.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, October 2015.
“Detection of Integrity Attacks Cyber-Physical Systems,” Cylab Partners Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2015.
“Models and Control Strategies for Adaptive Video Streaming,” 7th Cloud Control Workshop, Sweden, June 2015.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” SCy-Phy Systems Week 2015, Singapore, June 2015.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: Performance, Robustness and Security,” IBM Research, New York, NY, May 2015.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Cylab Seminar, Carnegie Mellon University, March 2015.
“Toward a Principled Framework to the Design of Dynamic Adaptive Streaming Algorithms over HTTP,” Information Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, February 2015.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, Daegu, S. Korea, November 2014.
“The Concept of Physical Authentication as a Tool for Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems,” Cylab Partners’ Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2014.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” MPE 2013+ Workshop of Data-aware Energy Use, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, October 1, 2014.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, September 2014.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Midwest Control Workshop, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 2014.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” IBM, Washington, DC, March 2014.
“Physical Authentication of Control Systems via the design of watermarked control inputs,” Information Theory and Applications workshop, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, February 2014.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, January 2014.
“On the Security of Smart Infrastructure,” 25th Information Technology Study Group (ITSG) Workshop, Atlanta, GA, November 2013.
“Network observability and localization of the source of diffusion based on a subset of nodes,” 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2013, Allerton Park, IL, October 2013.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore, October 2013.
“On the security of cyber-physical systems,” European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013.
“On the security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” University of Siena, Siena, Italy, June 2013.
“On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Cylab Seminar, CMU, Carnegie Mello, January 2013.
“Secure control of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Army Research Laboratory, ARL, Washington, DC, December 2012.
“Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, HK, April 2012.
“Robust Detection in the Presence of Integrity Attacks,” Information Theory and Applications workshop, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, February 2012.
“Models and Control Strategies for Data Centers in the Smart Grid,” Lund University, Lund, Sweden, December 5, 2011.
“Secure Detection in the Presence of Integrity Attacks,” TRUST FAll conference, November 3, 2011.
“Large Deviations Analysis of Consensus+Innovations Detection in Random Networks,” 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, September 30, 2011.
“Energy Efficient Control of Data Centers,” HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, June 28, 2011.
“Secure Cyber-Physical Systems,” CPS summer school, Georgia Tech, June 27, 2011.
“Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems,” UIUC, TCIPG seminar, April 1, 2011.
“A mean field games approach to nonlinear estimation,” Information Theory and Applications (ITA), February 2011.
“Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems,” Carnegie Mellon University, January 20, 2011.
“Detection of Attacks on control systems,” Northrop Grumann Research Consortium Symposium, November 2010.
“Secure Control Against Replay Attacks,” UC Berkeley, October 2010.
“On the Effect of False Data Injection Attacks on Control Systems,” Cylab Partners conference, September 2010.
“A Random Dynamical Systems Approach to Filtering in Large-Scale Networks,” American Control Conference (ACC), June 30, 2010.
“Secure control against replay attacks,” Information Theory and Applications (ITA), February 2010.
“Cyber-Physical Systems: a few results, a new direction and an application,” UC Santa Barbara, February 2010.
“Networked Control Systems”, a tutorial presented at the 1st IFAC workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Venice, Italy, September 2009.
“Securing Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study”, ARO workshop on CPS security, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, August 2009.
“Sensing, Estimation and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Cylab Seminar, Carnegie Mellon, May 2009.
“Sensing, Estimation and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems”, Departmental seminar, UT Austin, April 2009.
“Robust, Secure, Efficient Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)”, Idaho National Lab, April 2009.
“A Random Dynamical Systems Approach to Networked Control Systems”, Information Theory and Applications workshop, UC San Diego, February 2009.
“Random Dynamical Systems: from Networked Estimation to Cyber-Physical Models for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers”, UC Berkeley, October 2008.
“Closing the Loop Around Networks of Embedded Devices”, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2008.
“Closing the Loop Around Networks of Embedded Devices”, UC Santa Barbara, June 2008.
“Networked Embedded Control Systems”, Grasp Lab Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, October 2007.
“Estimation and Control over Networks of Embedded Devices”, Cylab seminar, Carnegie Mellon, August 2007.
“Networked Feedback Systems”, Universita’ della Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy, July 2007.
“Estimation and Control over Wireless Sensor Networks”, keynote given at the Honeywell technical conference, Phoenix, AZ, May 2007.